Dr. Dentist License no. OPL-05262
Education 2013-2018 Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, master's degree in dentistry and professional qualification as a dentist. Agnė specializes in aesthetic sealing, constantly improving her knowledge in courses and seminars:- 2017. "Replicating the morphology created by nature: Master course of direct anterior restorations"; - 2018. "Innovations in adhesive restorations of anterior teeth"; - 2019. "Treatment of patients with abraded teeth using adhesive orthopedic dentistry"; - 2019. "Aesthetic sealing of front teeth - how to apply knowledge in practice, to achieve the best result"; - 2019. "Module 1. Basics of aesthetic sealing"; - 2019. "Practical use of new generation composites for direct restorations: protocol of clinical work, new methodologies and materials"; - 2019. "Module 2. Aesthetic sealing and waxing".
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